• 30 Jun, 2021

The Trend of Metals in Luxury Furniture – Brass

OPR - The Luxury House

The Trend of Metals in Luxury Furniture – Brass

The Trend of Metals in Luxury Furniture – Brass 1024 527 OPR



Metals are present in diverse furniture with very assumed structures, which, due to their characteristics, frees the piece of furniture from dense structures, enabling the appearance of pieces with a clean design that they easily fit into all kinds of spaces.

In furniture and even in lighting, you can see a clear presence of these materials in the coating of the pieces or in small details.
In terms of coatings, several materials have emerged with metallic finishes, such as wallpapers, ceramics, metal plates, among others, which enable the creation of outstanding elements in a room.
In both aspects, we see how this material can have different finishes, which shows its versatility and malleability, being able to adapt to all kinds of hypotheses.
OPR HOUSE in order to follow the market trends in luxury furniture, it should follow this trend, combining bold Design, with organic inspirations, and inspired by Art Deco and Modern styles, creating differentiating pieces and with the details of metals, in order to increase the value of the piece.
Metals appear in various ways in decoration, but always giving an air of sophistication and personality to the ambience. They are still associated with feelings of nobility and therefore the elegance of a place, perhaps because they are still related to a high cost in the decoration budget.
Metals can emerge in any environment and in different ways, whether more discreetly on objects or even more ostensibly in coverings, and they always stand out in the decor for their design or shine, calling the attention of those who enter the ambience.
Some Examples of OPR HOUSE collection using brass, with a perfect combination of noble materials adding value to this unique furniture.


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